Time and distance-based metrics from walks and runs.
Gait Parameters are the measures obtained from walk or run tests. Gait analyses are used for identification of movement patterns, which are unique to everyone.
Gait Parameters:
- Ground Contact Time (s) - Time from heel strike to toe off on the same foot
- Swing Time (s) - Time from toe off to heel strike on the same foot
- Single Support Time (s) - Time in one gait cycle in which only one foot is on the ground
- Single Support Ratio (%) - The percentage of the gait cycle in which only one foot is on the ground
- Double Support Time (s) - Time in one gait cycle in which both feet are on the ground
- Double Support Ratio (%) - The percentage of the gait cycle in which both feet are on the ground
- Cadence - The number of steps taken per minute
- Gait Speed - How fast the centre of mass moved
For each measure (except for cadence and gait speed), Plantiga will calculate...
- Mean values (Left and Right) + Asymmetry
- Variability (% Coefficient of variation) (Left and Right) + Asymmetry
Examples of how Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters would be used:
Detecting severity of Dementia - When severity of dementia increased, gait slowed down and characteristics changed. Stride velocity was strongly related to dementia severity and high mean and co-variability of step length were related to moderate dementia. High variability in stride time was related to mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Based on this study, these spatiotemporal gait characteristics were deemed meaningful for screening purposes.
Children with developmental coordination disorder - the spatiotemporal parameters recorded for both limbs were: velocity (cm/sec), stance phase duration (%), swing phase duration (%), stride length (cm), double support duration (%), and single support duration (%).
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder - Demonstrates decreased cadence, shorter step lengths, increased time spent in double support and a lack of increase in peak ankle dorsiflexion moment after the onset of breathlessness or leg tiredness compared to healthy subjects, while walking at their comfortable speed. Furthermore, patients with COPD walk with an larger step time and smaller step width variability during fixed speed treadmill