Jump Height Asymmetry

Jump height asymmetry is the percent difference between the maximum jump heights produced from each leg. A consistent jump asymmetry for a particular leg is common, especially if you participate in a sport or activity that requires more usage of that same leg. The inverse of jump height asymmetry (100-asymmetry) will yield a Leg Symmetry Index (LSI), which is commonly used for return to play decision making.


Table 24: Normative values of single leg jump for height for elite female youth basketball players


Mean Jump Height (cm)

Standard Deviation (cm)

More skilled limb



Less skilled limb



Fort-Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara, Montalvo, Alicia M, Sitjà-Rabert, Mercè, Kiefer, Adam W, & Myer, Gregory D. (2015). Neuromuscular asymmetries in the lower limbs of elite female youth basketball players and the application of the skillful limb model of comparison. Physical Therapy in Sport, 16(4), 317–323. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ptsp.2015.01.003


Jump height asymmetry adds information to traditional hop test battery - The single leg jump for height gives information about quadriceps dysfunction, making it a valuable addition to the traditional hop test battery for ACL-R return to play decision making.

Taylor, Jeffrey B, Westbrook, Audrey E, Head, Penny L, Glover, Katie M, Paquette, Max R, & Ford, Kevin R. (2020). The single-leg vertical hop provides unique asymmetry information in individuals after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Clinical Biomechanics (Bristol), 80, 105107. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105107

